Ivana Chubbuck


Halle Berry

“Ivana Chubbuck is the premier acting coach of the twenty-first century. Her astute knowledge of the human condition, coupled with her ability to translate that insight to her students, is remarkable. Ivana’s innovative methods of teaching both complement and rival those of the great teachers of the past. Her philosophy transcends what we once knew about art and forces actors, through their own catharsis, to discover authentic ways of bringing the complexity of life to the screen and stage. Under Ivana’s tutelage, the course of my career and the depth of my work have changed dramatically.”


“I finally went to a class in Los Angeles with this wonderful teacher, Ivana Chubbuck. Ivana taught me how to take my emotions and everything that has happened in my life and use it to make me an effective actor. The stakes have to be high – so it was really an interesting place for me to stand on my feet and fall on my face many times.” – Quote from Charlize Theron on “Inside The Actor’s Studio”


“She just began to break me down, and I went, ‘Wow.’ Because it’s almost as if certain acting habits become calcified, and before you know it, you’re like a piano player with one finger. You keep hitting that same note over and over again. She right away got into really subliminal, exploratory personal chambers that I wanted to keep closed. Like my son’s death. I said, ‘I really don’t want to go there, I really don’t want to talk about that.’ She said, ‘Well, that’s what needs to come out. You need to express that. This is what this character is dealing with, that kind of loss, that kind of grief.'” – Quote from Sylvester Stallone on “NPR”


“I believe Ivana’s technique could be boiled down to: take the pain in your life and find the most effective way to accomplish a goal with it. The most interesting aspect of the Chubbuck Technique is that it helps you to understand humanity. What drives someone to do what they do, good or bad. That even someone who seems outwardly evil to the outside world has a righteous reason to be who they are and do what they do. It’s not painful. Actually, the process of each movie I’ve done has been cathartic.”


“Ivana has taken my work up to another level. The clarity and depth from which she guides me to creating a character is simple, direct, loving, and powerful. She understands human dynamics and has a profound knowledge of psychology, so I am always going deeper and never working on the surface. For me, what is most important in my work is that I am helping to illuminate the writer’s creation and giving the audience a powerful experience of the human condition, helping them to see themselves in whatever character I am portraying and recognizing the humanity in all of us. Ivana’s gifts as a teacher help me do this. She has deepened me not just as an artist but also as a person. I treasure her wisdom and her support.”


“Ivana has taught me that a character’s intentions are best revealed within behavior, that behavior can contain the layers and richness of their pain, desperation, and need. Because words can lie, behavior tells the truth.”


“Ivana enables me to grow as an artist, because I believe that an actor should never stop learning. Ivana Chubbuck’s book The Power Of The Actor: The Chubbuck Technique is the bible of acting.”


“Ivana Chubbuck is a master who empowers through her teachings. The will to win is realized in every moment of each scene, thus creating a multi-dimensional, always interesting character. She not only teaches us how to act fearlessly but to live fearlessly. Ivana is the only person I can be completely honest with, without the fear of feeling like a complete cunt, and to ultimately use this personal information to truly expose the darkness of any character.”


“I always say, ‘We’re back!’ before I begin every session with Ivana. ‘We’re back’ doesn’t mean we ever left, it means that even after so many years of working with Ivana, there’s so much more to explore, examine, and grow from the point of view of the science of being a human being. As my characters change and evolve, so do I. I can play the same character for years, and still, I am excited by the notion that there’s a wealth of discoveries to come regarding our script analysis. So I say again – To The Power of the Actor, and Ivana Chubbuck, ‘We’re back!’”


“The guesswork is gone. Finally, a book The Power of the Actor that provides the nuts and bolts to acting, that shows me how to always be present, how to always have something going on behind my eyes, and ultimately, that provides a concrete path for me to really discover and live a role.”


“…playing Etta James for a movie called, Cadillac Records. She was a heroin addict, which I felt would be difficult for me because I’ve never done any kind of drugs. But Ivana has an exercise that she’s developed that makes you feel like you’re actually on heroin. We worked on one of the scenes where Etta has to be very stoned on heroin, and not only did I feel organically high, but it brought up emotions that made sense to someone who needed to take a drug such as this – something to eliminate emotional pain. My emotions were very raw, yet I felt high. It was a unique experience, for sure.”


“There are defining moments in our lives that shape us, that help plot our course. Reading The Power of the Actor, meeting Ivana Chubbuck, and working in her class was one of the most profound and life-changing for me. Using her technique, she taught me to pull from my life experiences past, present, and future, infusing them into the work in a most profound yet effective way. This creates depth, coupled with the will to always win, thus giving an actor a tried and true ‘formula’ that always works. That in and of itself changed my entire career path and understanding of the actual craft and art of acting. She taught me how to understand humanity, as well as to understand that each and every one of us has a righteous reason for doing every single thing that we do in life, whether it be deemed good or evil. I work with her every week, searching and digging out of my life the most connective tissue to infuse into the work that’s always cathartic and fulfilling.”


“She is a brilliant, insightful teacher whose work has transformed my understanding of the art of acting.”


Director of Training Day (Oscar nomination), Suicide Squad, End of Watch (starring Jake Gyllenhaal), and Fury (starring Brad Pitt)

“The worst moment a director can experience is when a scene isn’t working and the actors and crew are staring at you for answers – and you don’t have any. The Chubbuck method has helped me to never be at a loss for words on set. Not just words, but the right words. Ivana has given me a practical set of tools, not only to troubleshoot problematic scenes, but to help my actors prepare for their roles. Directing without a workable method is like going to war without a gun. Thank you, Ivana!”


“Judd Apatow introduced me to Ivana seven years ago, and I’ve worked with her on every role since. She always encouraged me to take risks and push boundaries with my work. She has taught me that my fears, insecurities, neuroses, and generally all those things that make me one screwed-up human being are actually the elements that make the substance and journey of the characters we create together unique and special.”